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Equality & Diversity Policy

i3Works Equality and Diversity Policy

i3Works is committed to promoting equality and diversity and a culture that actively values difference recognising that people from different backgrounds and experiences can bring valuable insights to the workplace and enhance the way it works.

Recruiting, developing and retaining the most talented people, regardless of their background, takes a high priority and i3Works wants to make best use of these talents. Here i3Works are guided by its values in everything it does, and recognise that being a diverse and inclusive employer helps to fulfil the responsibility to make a difference.

i3Works seek to develop a work environment that treats all employees as individuals, fairly and in a consistent way. i3Works complies with the Equality Act 2010 by promoting a culture of respect and dignity and actively challenging discrimination, should it ever arise. It seeks to remove unnecessary barriers for its employees seeking opportunities through training and development, promotion and career planning.

Support is given to managers and employees to demonstrate the principles of diversity and inclusion in their everyday activities, roles and functions.

The purpose of this policy is to help define i3Works approach to equality and diversity and its aims to be an inclusive organisation and to pro-actively tackle and eliminate discrimination. It also intends to help employees achieve diversity and anti-discrimination aims by clarifying the responsibilities and duties of all staff in respect of equal opportunities and discrimination. i3Works will promote effective communication and consultation with its employees concerning equal opportunities by means it considers appropriate.

This is a statement of policy, which applies to employees only and does not form part of your contract of employment. The Company may amend this policy at any time, at our absolute discretion.


In this policy i3Works will use the following definitions:

a) i3Works Limited: The Company;

b) You/Staff: Employees of i3Works, Consultants, Contractors, anyone representing i3Works in a paid capacity;

c) Third Parties: Clients or Customers

d) Protected Characteristics: sex, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality and national origin), disability, sexual orientation, religion and or belief, age.

Equality & Diversity

i3Works consider that equality means breaking down barriers, eliminating discrimination and ensuring equal opportunities and access for all groups both in employment, and to goods and services. It considers diversity to mean celebrating difference and valuing everyone. Each person is an individual with visible and non-visible differences and by respecting this everyone can feel valued for their contributions which is beneficial not only for the individual but to i3Works too. It acknowledges that equality and diversity are not inter-changeable but inter-dependent. There can be no equality of opportunity if difference is not valued and harnessed.


The rights and obligations set out in this policy apply equally to all employees, whether part time or full time on a substantive or fixed-term contract, and also to associated persons such as secondees, agency staff, associates and others employed under a contract of service.

Employees have personal responsibility for the application of this policy. As part of any employee induction, there is an expectation to read and familiarise yourself with this policy, ensure that it is properly observed and fully complied with.

This policy is also of particular relevance to senior members, line managers and other employees concerned with recruitment, training and promotion procedures and employment decisions that affect others.


Achieving an equal opportunities workplace is a collective task shared between i3Works and all its staff. This policy and the rules contained in it therefore apply to all staff irrespective of seniority, tenure and working hours, including:

a) all employees;

b) directors;

c) officers;

d) consultants;

e) contractors;

f) casual or agency staff;

g) trainees;

h) homeworkers;

i) fixed-term staff; and

j) volunteers or interns.

The board of directors of i3Works has overall responsibility for this policy and for equal opportunities and discrimination law compliance in the workplace.



All management are responsible for ensuring the effect implementation and operation of this policy. Staff who take part in the below have a special responsibility for leading by example and ensuring compliance:

a) Management;

b) Recruitment;

c) Selection;

d) Promotion;

e) Training; and

f) Other aspects of career development.

Managers will ensure that they and their staff take all reasonable and practical steps to avoid discrimination. Managers will receive appropriate training in equal opportunities and must take all necessary steps to:

a) all their staff are aware of the policy and the reasons for it;

b) promote the objective of equal opportunities and the values set out in this policy;

c) ensure that their own behaviour and those of their staff complies in full with this policy;

d) ensure that any complaints or grievances concerning discrimination, victimisation or harassment (including against themselves) are dealt with appropriately, fairly and as quickly as possible and are not suppressed or disregarded;

e) formal records are maintained.



All staff have personal responsibility to ensure compliance with this policy, to treat colleagues with dignity at all times and not to discriminate against or harass:

a) other members of staff;

b) visitors;

c) clients;

d) customers;

e) suppliers; and

f) former staff members.


Responsibility for ensuring that there is no unlawful discrimination rests with all staff and the attitudes of staff are crucial to the successful operation of fair employment practices. In particular, all members of staff should:

g) comply with the policy;

h) not discriminate in their day-to-day activities or induce others to do so;

i) not victimise, harass or intimidate other staff or groups who have, or are perceived to have one of the Protected Characteristics stated below;

j) ensure no individual is discriminated against or harassed because of their association with another individual who has a protected characteristic; and

k) inform their manager if they become aware of any discriminatory practice.


Third Parties

Third-party harassment occurs where a i3Works employee is harassed, and the harassment is related to a protected characteristic. i3Works will not tolerate such actions against its staff, and the employee concerned should inform their line manager immediately. i3Works will ensure a full investigation takes place and all reasonable steps are taken to eliminate such harassment from occurring again.



Every employee is entitled to a working environment that promotes dignity, equality and respect for all. This is extended to all aspects of the working relationship including:

a) recruitment and selection procedures;

b) terms of employment, including pay, conditions and benefits;

c) training, appraisals, career development and promotion;

d) work practices, conduct issues, allocation of tasks, discipline and grievances;

e) work related social events; and

f) termination of employment and matter after termination, including references.


i3Works will not tolerate any acts of unlawful or unfair discrimination (including harassment) committed against an employee, contractor, job applicant or visitor because of a Protected Characteristic:

• sex;

• gender reassignment;

• marriage and civil partnership;

• pregnancy and maternity;

• race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality and national origin);

• disability; o sexual orientation; o religion and or belief; and

• age


Discrimination on the basis of work pattern (part-time working, fixed term contract, flexible working) which is unjustifiable will also not be tolerated.

All employees will be encouraged to develop their skills and fulfil their potential and to take advantage of training, development and progression opportunities. Selection for employment, promotion, training, or any other benefit will be on the basis of aptitude and ability.

No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated. If you believe that you may have suffered discrimination because of any of the above Protected Characteristics, you should consider the appropriateness and feasibility of attempted informal resolution by discussion in the first instance with your line manager or another colleague in a relevant position of seniority. You may decide in the alternative to raise the matter through i3Works Harassment Policy or Grievance Policy.

Allegations regarding potential breaches of this policy will be treated in confidence and investigated in accordance with the appropriate procedure. i3Works will ensure that individuals who make such allegations in good faith will not be victimised or treated less favourably by i3Works as a result.

However, false allegations of a breach of this policy which are found to have been made in bad faith will be dealt with under i3Works Discipline Policy. A person found to have breached this policy may be subject to disciplinary action. Employees may also be personally liable for any acts of discrimination prohibited by this policy that they commit, meaning that they can be sued by the victim.



Discrimination occurs in different ways, some more obvious than others. Discrimination on the grounds of any of the Protected Characteristics is prohibited by law, even if unintentional, unless a particular exception applies.

There are various types of discrimination prohibited by this policy. The main types are:


Direct Discrimination

Direct discrimination occurs where one person is treated less favourably than another because of a protected characteristic set out in this policy. By way of example, refusing to promote a pregnant employee on the basis that she is shortly due to go on maternity leave would be direct discrimination on the protected characteristic of the employee's sex. Other types of direct discrimination are:

a) Associative discrimination - this is direct discrimination against someone because they associate with another person who possesses a protected characteristic. For example, an employee is discriminated against because his/her son is disabled.

b) Perceptive discrimination - this is direct discrimination against an individual because others think they possess a particular protected characteristic. For example, where co-workers believe the individual is gay. It applies even if the person does not actually possess that characteristic.


Indirect Discrimination

Indirect discrimination occurs when an unjustifiable requirement or condition is applied, which appears to be the same for all, but which has a disproportionate, adverse effect on one group of people. This is discrimination even though there was no intention to discriminate. For example, a requirement for UK based qualifications could disadvantage applicants who have obtained their qualifications outside of the UK; this could amount to indirect discrimination on the grounds of race.

To show discrimination the individual complaining also has to be personally disadvantaged. An example would be a requirement for a job candidate to have 10 years’ experience in a particular role, since this will be harder for young people to satisfy. This kind of discrimination is unlawful unless it is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.



a) Victimisation is where an employee is treated less favourably than others because they have asserted legal rights against i3Works or assisted a colleague in doing so. For example, victimisation may occur where an employee has raised a genuine grievance against i3Works and is demoted as a result.



a) Harassment is “unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual.” It is important to remember that it is not the intention of the harasser but how the recipient perceives their behaviour, which determines whether harassment has occurred. Please see i3Works Harassment Policy, for further details.


Employment Decisions

i3Works will recruit employees and make other employment decisions concerning promotion, training, dismissal and related issues on the basis of objective criteria. Managers should only stipulate criteria or conditions for employment decisions (including job selection, promotion and redundancy) which are based on a legitimate business need and which do not go further than is needed to satisfy that need. If you are in any doubt about whether particular criteria or conditions are indirectly discriminatory or justifiable, then you should speak in the first instance with your line manager.



Managers involved in recruitment must:

a) Specify only recruitment criteria that are relevant to the job, reflect genuine business needs and are proportionate. More than one person should be involved in shortlisting of applicants wherever practicable;

b) Ensure that vacancies are advertised to a diverse audience and try to avoid informal recruitment methods that exclude fair competition. In very rare cases, it may be legitimate and necessary to restrict recruitment to a particular role to certain groups, but it is essential that this is discussed with the Senior Team so that appropriate steps can be taken to ensure legality;

c) Review job advertisements carefully to ensure that stereotyping is avoided and that particular groups are not unjustifiably discouraged from applying;

d) Not ask applicants about health or disability before a job offer is made (other than in exceptional circumstances and after having been approved by the Senior Team). If necessary, a job offer can be expressed to be conditional upon satisfactorily passing a medical check.

e) Not ask candidates about any Protected Characteristic if the question may demonstrate an intention to discriminate. For example, candidates should not be asked about current or future pregnancy, childcare or related matters;

f) Not make assumptions about immigration status based on appearance, accent or apparent nationality; and

g) So far as reasonably practicable, keep written record of their reasons for relevant decisions.


i3Works are legally required to verify that all employees have the right to work in the UK. Prior to starting employment, all employees must produce original documents to the Company’s satisfaction, irrespective of nationality. Information about the documents required will be detailed in your Engagement Letter.

i3Works may monitor applicants’ as part of the recruitment process. This could include:

a) Sex

b) Sexual Orientation

c) Ethnic Group

d) Disability

e) Religion

f) Age


This may be carried out to assess the effectiveness of the Company’s measures to promote equal opportunities and to help us identify and take appropriate steps to avoid discrimination, underrepresentation and potential disadvantage and improve diversity. Provision of this information is voluntary and the information is kept in an anonymised format solely for the purposes stated in this policy. The information will not be used as part of any decision-making process relating to the recruitment or employment of the person providing the information. i3Works recruitment processes will be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure people are being treated fairly and according to ability and merit.


Staff training, career development and promotion

Training needs may be identified during the normal appraisal process. Appropriate training to facilitate progression will be accessible to all staff.

All promotion decisions will be made on the basis of merit and according to proportionate criteria determined by legitimate business need.

Staff diversity at different levels of the organisation will be kept under review to ensure equality of opportunity. Where unjustified barriers to progression are identified, these will be removed.


Conditions of service

Access to benefits and facilities and terms of employment will be kept under review to ensure that they are appropriately structured and that no unlawful barriers to qualification or access exist.


Discipline and termination of employment

Any redundancy selection criteria and procedures that are used, or other decisions taken to terminate employment, will be fair and not directly or indirectly discriminatory.

Disciplinary procedures and penalties will be applied with discrimination, whether they result in disciplinary warnings, dismissal or other disciplinary action.

Part-time and fixed term staff will be treated the same as full time or permanent staff of the same position and enjoy no less favourable terms and conditions (pro-rata) where appropriate), unless different treatment is justified.


Procedure if discrimination is encountered

If you believe that you have been the victim of discrimination, you should follow i3Works Grievance Policy.

Every member of staff has a responsibility to combat discrimination if they encounter it. Staff who observe or are aware of acts that they believe amount to discrimination directed at others are encouraged to report these to their line manager.

Any grievance or report raised about discrimination will be kept confidential so far as this is practicable.

Staff who raise a complaint about or report discrimination in good faith will be protected from retaliation or victimisation. Any member of staff who attempts acts of retaliation or victimisation may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including summary dismissal for gross misconduct.

If you make a complaint, it may be necessary to ask you to stay at home on paid leave while investigations are being conducted and the matter is being dealt with through the appropriate procedure. This may particularly be necessary in cases of alleged harassment.



Any breach of this policy and its rules will be taken seriously and is likely to result in disciplinary action.

Staff should note that:

a) In some cases, they may be personally liable for their acts of discrimination and that legal action may be taken against them directly by the victim of any discrimination; and

b) It may be a criminal offence intentionally to harass another employee.


This Equality and Diversity Policy has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors.

Signed: Helen Sanders
Date: 05.09.2019


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